Is it just me or did it feel like time sped up when my first child was born? The days seem to whip by without ever having taken the time to myself to just relax. It’s always go, go, go! There’s almost never a break, and when there is, I’m not sure what to do with my time. So I’ve created a list of ways to practice self-care. Ideas to help you, busy mom, spend that free time wisely. In the best way possible for you to take care of yourself and by extension, your family.
Pick up that book you’ve been meaning to read, and read! This is especially nice to do in the morning while drinking coffee and relaxing after a hectic morning that usually includes an early wake-up time.
This can be anything you enjoy doing, not just going to the gym. Hiking, yoga, walking, biking, or running. Whatever floats your boat and gets your blood flowing, go for it! It’s also a great way to get out of the house for a few minutes.
I picked up crochet when my son was still a newborn. I needed something that kept me awake and productive because I kept falling asleep when I tried to read. I was so tired all the time, but it never felt like there was enough time to take a nap. Crochet kept my hands busy while I stayed awake. And I created something really great in the process! But crochet isn’t the only crafty activity out there. You can sew, knit, scrapbook, whatever you like!
Meditating is especially helpful for me at the end of the day as a way to calm my thoughts and prepare myself for a restful sleep. I’ve used a number of apps, such as Calm, Headspace, Simple Habit, and Sleepiest, but they’re all great. But you don’t have to use meditation just for sleep, you can use it for taking a minute during the day to recenter and find your calm.
This can be anywhere from journaling about what happened today to writing a list of everything that’s weighing on your mind. All of those annoying tasks that you can never seem to get done because they keep slipping your mind. Write them all down and see how many you can knock out in an hour. It helps to declutter the mind. Alternatively, make a list of everything you accomplished this week. It’s sure to remind you of the things you got done instead of the things that didn’t get done.
Declutter and Organize
I figure there’s a closet or even a room in everyone’s house that acts as a magnet of junk. The place where we put things that we’ll get to later. The things for projects that were never finished. Just looking at that space stresses me out! What helps me feel calmer is taking a cluttered space and making it neat again. I know it’ll become cluttered again, but it’s organized for now and that’s what matters. It’s one of my favorite ways to practice self-care, which is why it made it on my list of ways to practice self-care.
Spa Hour
If you have the time and resources, go get a facial or a massage. If not, stay home and give yourself a pedicure or a manicure while wearing a face mask. Or even ask your partner for a massage. I never have been a fan of getting massages, but I recently discovered facials, and they’re amazing! I highly recommend getting a facial if you don’t enjoy massages. And, if time permits, do your makeup and hair. It’s always nice when we can feel put together.
Depending on how much time you have, you can take a shower or a bath. Even just a quick shower to rinse off the stickiness of little hands and the stress of the day does wonders. I know I feel much better after just five minutes of hot, running water. If you have an hour or two, take a long bath. Add in your favorite essential oils or bubble bath, grab a book, and settle in for relaxation.
My list on Netflix keeps piling up, and my friends are always talking about their favorite show. But I never seem to be able to keep up. The list grows longer almost every day. Sometimes, when I have an extra half hour or hour, I like to pull out my laptop or iPad and watch a show in bed, no matter what time of day it is. I’m always worried the sound of the television will wake my son, so I use my laptop or iPad. It’s especially nice when my husband and I watch something together.
Sometimes it can be a pain to cook and clean everything, which is why I do a lot of meal prepping and freezing. But when I have some time to cook, I really enjoy it. There are a lot of recipes from before my son was born that I rarely make now. But when I do make those meals, they are amazing! I enjoy being in the kitchen, cooking alone. It’s time to myself and I get to eat an amazing meal afterward. Baking is the same way!
My favorite thing to do? Once my son goes down for his morning nap, I love slowly drinking my cup of coffee and playing a silly match-three game on my phone. It’s great when I also have an earbud in, listening to an audiobook. That way, I can keep up with my reading goals! I hope this list of ways to practice self-care helps you find a new activity for your relaxation routine. What’s your favorite way to practice self-care? What relaxes you and increases your energy levels? Leave a comment below!
If you enjoyed this article, be sure to share it! You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter. You might also like my article, 3 Reasons Why We Feel Guilty Practicing Self-Care (and How to Stop Feeling Guilty).
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